Car inspection. Deadline may be extended


The news is being advanced by JN and reports that meetings are taking place between the Government, the inspection centers and the IMT with a view to extending for three months the deadline for the mandatory periodic inspection of vehicles with an inspection date after the 11th of March.

According to JN, the complex process to apply this exceptional measure has also involved the insurers, with a newspaper source referring: "This legal framework is essential (...) In the event of an incident, there would be problems with the insurers and even with the authorities".

Apparently, the new legal framework should be defined between tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday.

The same source refers to JN that there have been complaints from both the owners of the vehicles inspected and the inspectors themselves.

Is that to carry out some of the tests, inspectors have to sit behind the wheel of the car, which is why they are somewhat concerned due to the risk of possible contagion of the coronavirus.

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Finally, the source that JN had access to also mentions that the centers where the mandatory periodic inspection is carried out have already been adopting contingency measures. These include the use of gloves by inspectors and the provision of hand sanitizer.

If this extension of the deadline for the periodic inspection is confirmed, this measure will follow the example of the one already in force in relation to documents whose validity ended as of March 9 (which include the Citizen's Card and Driver's License) and which remain valid until June 30th.

Source: JN

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