Will Portugal follow Europe in the pursuit of Diesel?


Despite warnings from the president of ACEA and also the CEO of the second largest European car manufacturer (Carlos Tavares, president of Groupe PSA), despite the announcement of the launch of new electrified engines based on diesel architecture, Diesel mechanics threaten to be banned from each car. more European cities.

After the decision of the German court, which ruled in favor of the right of cities to decide for the ban on the circulation of diesel cars, as well as the announcements of the same coming to happen in Paris and Rome, the newspaper El País announced the intention of the Spanish government increase the tax burden on the sale and use of diesel cars, as well as on the most polluting vehicles.

Including via the price of fuel and also by the equivalent of our Circulation Tax, although this decision is up to the autonomous governments.

Porsche Diesel

This supposed penalizing intention of the Spanish government also has to do with the successive community reprimands in relation to low taxes practiced by Spain in environmental matters, which make many Portuguese go to the neighboring market to buy supplies.

As of May 2018, periodic mandatory inspections in Spain (ITV) will also become stricter and more severe, especially with regard to the measurement of polluting emissions.

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In the case of cars in which it is possible to access the electronic control unit through an OBD card, any detection of alteration or fraud will imply the automatic disapproval of the vehicle.

Special attention will be given to manipulations in gas treatment and exhaust systems, as well as the installation of speed radar detection systems.

And in Portugal?

In this regard, remember the repeated warnings left by several national governments, in order to promote a convergence of fuel prices and taxes that still benefit diesel engines.

What may well happen after September, when the new WLTP rules will go into effect and in anticipation of the presentation of the State Budget for 2019.

As for periodic inspections, the entry of new operators in this market, with greater technical and financial resources, may facilitate the same implementation, in order to allow for rapid compliance with European recommendations regarding the reduction of circulation of cars with Diesel engine.

Consult Fleet Magazine for more articles on the automotive market.

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