The Nissan Leaf is the fastest tram in Europe… out of the stands


THE Nissan Leaf it may not offer the performance of a Tesla, but in terms of sales performance in Europe no one beats it. Launched about a year ago, the second generation Leaf sold in Europe, just in the first eight months of 2018, 43 000 units , having already been delivered 26 thousand by the end of August.

The sales figures achieved established the Leaf as the best-selling electric in Europe and managed to beat the sales figures of plug-in hybrids. The European country where Nissan sells the most is Norway, where it even manages to be the best-selling car on the market, regardless of the type of engine.

According to what is advanced by the website Insideevs, Nissan estimates that new orders for the electric are arriving at a rate of one every ten minutes. This means that Nissan will be able to sell more than 4000 Leaf per month.

Success also around here

The success of the Nissan electric also extends to Portugal, where in seven months the second generation has already sold more than the first in seven years. To get an idea of ​​Leaf's success in our country, only in September were sold 244 Nissan Leaf , numbers that made it not only the best-selling electric last month, but also made it for the 3rd time in 2018 the best-selling electric and hybrid.

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