64 more dead on Portuguese roads in 2017


The numbers are worrying: in 2017, 509 deaths were registered on Portuguese roads, as a result of 130 157 accidents, 64 more victims than in 2016.

The number of injuries – serious and minor – also increased: 2181 and 41 591, when, in the same 2016 accounting, it was 2102 and 39 121 respectively.

In the period between 22 and 31 December alone, 15 more deaths and 56 serious injuries were recorded on Portuguese roads, according to data from the National Road Safety Authority (ANSR).

Lisbon continues to be the district that leads the number of accidents and deaths (26 698 accidents, 171 less than in 2016 and 51 deaths, 6 less than in 2016).

The district of Porto registered a minor increase in the number of accidents in 2017 (23 606 accidents, 8 more) and 68 fatalities (22 more than in 2016).

Santarém, Setúbal, Vila Real and Coimbra were the districts where there was a more expressive growth in the number of accidents and deaths:

  • Santarém: 5196 accidents (plus 273), 43 deaths (plus 19)
  • Setúbal: 10 147 accidents (over 451), 56 deaths (over 20)
  • Vila Real: 2253 accidents (over 95), 15 deaths (over 8)
  • Coimbra: 5595 accidents (over 291), 30 deaths (over 8)

Viseu, Beja, Portalegre and Leiria also increased the number of accidents, but without an increase in the number of fatalities:

  • Viseu: 4780 accidents (more 182), 16 deaths (minus 7)
  • Beja: 2113 accidents (plus 95), 21 deaths (minus 5)
  • Portalegre: 1048 accidents (plus 20), 10 deaths (minus 5)
  • Leiria: 7321 (plus 574), 27 deaths (minus 5)

The main causes continue to be speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol.

Distractions behind the wheel are also growing alarmingly, mainly those caused by cell phone use.

Accidents with more serious consequences are also happening due to poor storage of objects and animals, in addition to the non-use of restraint systems, both for adults (especially rear seat passengers) and children.

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