Someone turned a Mercedes-Benz W126 into a... water pump!


There are news that are exhausted in the title itself. Someone very ingenious turned a Mercedes-Benz S-Class (W126) into a makeshift water pump.

Our admiration for this project is not exhausted so easily. We tried to find out more about this project — which was sent to us by one of our readers — but we couldn't.

Try searching Google for keywords like “Mercedes-Benz” and “water pump”. Unsurprisingly, the search results were a little different from what we wanted.

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Even so, our admiration for someone who knew how to give a very dignified end to life to a model that was once one of the maximum exponents of comfort, luxury and technology in the automotive industry is evident here.

In Nature, nothing is created and nothing is lost, everything is transformed.

Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier

And no one expected a Mercedes-Benz S-Class one day to turn into a water pump. Certainly the most comfortable water pump in the world.

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