UMM Club Tour. The UMM spirit is alive and in good health


92 UMM for all tastes and 255 fans from all corners of Portugal and even from other parts of the world, such as Spain, France and England, got together last November 6 at Estação Zootécnica Nacional, in Santarém, to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the UMM Club.

A great way to spend the day, even though it's been a long day. For us (my father and I) and the UMM Alter II from Razão Automóvel, it started very early, at 6:25 am in the morning at the 2nd Circular. The meeting point for fans of the national brand heading from Lisbon to the Santarém Valley.

We weren't quite sure what we were going to find, but we quickly felt 'at home'.

16th UMM Tour 2021

All it took was an exchange of «greetings» and a few words of appreciation for the excellent copy we brought. Even so, we didn't “get rid” of hearing the jocular comment that “we came with shined sneakers”, slang for someone who has a (perhaps) too “clean” copy, but without this meaning that it isn't ready to be put to the test.

With the caravan organized, we defined the route towards Vale de Santarém, which involved taking the shortest possible route on the highway and there we continued at cruising speed… at a modest 80 km/h.

16th UMM Tour 2021

Halfway through Ribatejo lands, the caravan from Lisbon joined the caravan from Lisbon, including a large-scale UMM Cournil… with a provocative tone — the plaque with the phrase “Saca GR's” was clearly visible. which it flaunted in front of it.

16th UMM Tour 2021
The “Saca GR’s”.

Arrival in the Santarém Valley

When we arrived at the entrance of the National Zootechnic Station, welcoming us, there was yet another vehicle full of charisma and (no doubt) a personal touch: the UMM “Hello Kitty”. Strictly customized by its owner, it also had the function of directing participants to the UMM “stop” that was gathered there.

There were already more than 40 specimens waiting for us, thus predicting a full house on a day when even the sun made a point of being present in a clear, cloudless sky — the day promised.

16th UMM Tour 2021
It really is a “Hello Kitty” UMM. A merchandising opportunity?

Before the start of the “hostilities”, the organizers of the event, Clube UMM and Vale do UMM, welcomed the growing caravan with a cocktail and regional products, with the traditional Pampilhos highlighted, courtesy of the locals.

ready to go

Checked in, welcome kit received, but we still had to wait a little longer for the briefing as more and more UMM kept arriving.

Some of them with entire families, where there was no lack of participants of “six and a half” who also caused a stir, especially when one of them exhibited a small remote-controlled UMM ingeniously created for the purpose.

16th UMM Tour 2021

One of the little stars of this event.

With the 255 participants gathered and the briefing held, it was time to get the road-book and get the machines rolling.

We left the Santarém Valley in a long parade, where it was possible to see UMM for all tastes, proudly displayed by its owners, from the most original to the most radical – another tour of the UMM family was launched.

UMM is still there for the curves

The first stop marked the moment to start showing that this UMM meeting was not just for “walking”, but also to demonstrate the capabilities of the entire Portuguese terrain.

On the first technical ascents on sand that were part of the route, it only took one step, under the eyes of hundreds of people — and dressed in the United Nations colors — to show the true race of the UMM. With the obstacle overcome, others quickly followed in repeating the feat. Let the next challenge come…

16th UMM Tour 2021

On the next route I ended up changing cars and “hiking a ride” from a former peace soldier, formerly belonging to the Cete Volunteer Firefighters.

This is an unusual and certainly rare unit: a UMM pick-up with only two seats that, despite having already "retired" from its mission as a peace soldier, now serves its owner in the countryside, mainly carrying firewood — a UMM never “dies”, it is reborn when it finds a new owner.

16th UMM Tour 2021

As expected, there was no lack of unforeseen events on this UMM Club Tour.

16th UMM Tour 2021

The caravan had to split up after a forced stoppage of a UMM Alter Turbo Intercooler that attacked. An opportunity for the camaraderie of this community to speak louder and the fact is that, in this caravan, no one was left behind.

Come out a stone soup and a steak

Time to replenish energy with a late booster served in the premises of the local Sociedade Recreativa e Operária. A good stone soup and a steak "charged the batteries" enough for the second part of the tour, where more surprises were expected.

On the way out, we were given the second part of the road-book that indicated the long-awaited mud track and radical track — time to put the strength and reliability of all national terrain to the test.

16th UMM Tour 2021

Drive at four, always on, sometimes needing to use gearboxes, our Alter II, with Rui Pires (my father) at the controls and Hugo Neves in the navigation, gradually passed all the obstacles with distinction. From paths in mud, to tunnels filled with water or steep ups and downs.

The UMM Club as well as the UMM Valley were to be congratulated for the chosen route, which was much appreciated. The constant support and excellent organization throughout the event should also be highlighted; they were simply relentless.

Mud spa beauty treatment

The mud track was, without a doubt, the high point of the tour, providing unique moments of camaraderie and adrenaline, promoting interaction between everyone in an afternoon that was already long and full of good moments.

16th UMM Tour 2021

Here there was time to take some more good pictures, test the capacity of the «machines» and the skill of the drivers — a happier part for some than for others, but whoever is involved in these struggles already knows what's next.

Between great “atascansos” and passages almost at idle speed, we saw that the UMM is still very much alive and in good health.

16th UMM Tour 2021

16th UMM Tour 2021

Once again, something unexpected happened, but it gave the opportunity to witness the mastery of one of the most charismatic mechanics of UMM, veteran Silvino Alves.

An unforeseen event that involved the UMM of the president of the UMM Club, Norberto Liberato, when, inadvertently, he had the gear lever, broken (at the base), in his hand.

16th UMM Tour 2021
Nobody is safe from unforeseen events, not even the president of the UMM Club.

Silvino Alves was quick to find a solution to replace it, having used designer pliers that ended up fitting perfectly and allowed Norberto Liberato to continue to assist the event and make his UMM manage to return to Lisbon.

Birthday cake, speeches, souvenirs and one for the year

The day was already long and the sunlight was already fading. We moved towards the last point of the road-book, the place where the late «lunch» would be served and where, once again, the good moments of the day would be shared and some other stories of veterans in these struggles.

Before cutting the birthday cake — after all, the UMM Club celebrated 16 years of life — there was still room for traditional speeches, the delivery of souvenirs and even the raffle of some gifts, closing with a flourish another UMM Club anniversary.

It was time to say goodbye and to thank Norberto Liberato, President of the UMM Club, for the excellent reception, and to the entire organization in general for the excellent work carried out: Thank you for everything and "until Bragança".

16th UMM Tour 2021

Text: André Pires

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