Nissan GT-R from GNR. THE SUPERCAR that helps save lives


Wednesday, March 24, 2021. The hands of the clock showed precisely eight in the morning, when the team from Razão Automóvel arrived at the Cargo Transit Detachment of the Republic National Guard (GNR).

At the appointed time and with military rigor, we had Captain Luís Canhoto, commander of the detachment, waiting for us. In his hands, he held the keys to the most famous supercar in the country: the Nissan GT-R from GNR. “Unless an urgent organ transport mission arises, main guards Nuno Silva and Fernando Lúcio will accompany you throughout the day. Good work".

It will be at the Cargo Transit Detachment that in the coming years we will find the Nissan GT-R from GNR. Simply the fastest and most powerful car in the history of this military security force.

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A car that reverted to the GNR in the context of a judicial process, and which in the coming years will be one of the main assets of this force in one of its most important missions: the urgent transport of organs.

A mission that has been in charge of the GNR since 1994 and which in the last 10 years alone has covered more than half a million kilometers and mobilized around 5,700 soldiers.

The mission of Reason Automobile

Thanks to the collaboration of the Guarda Nacional Republicana, Razão Automóvel was also able to fulfill its mission. As a leading media outlet in Portugal, we assume the responsibility of giving due prominence to this noble mission.

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In this article we went further. We wanted to meet the professionals who, seven days a week, every day of the year, with no days off or holidays, embody this mission.

That's why we didn't stick with the Nissan GT-R from GNR. We went further. We started where the phone rings, at the Carregado Trânsito Detachment and only stopped at Santa Maria Hospital, the largest hospital in the country. One of the five locations where organ donation and transplantation is coordinated in Portugal.

In between, with the help of GNR, we conditioned the traffic of a highway to produce the report that you can see on our YouTube channel.

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To keep pace with the Nissan GT-R from GNR, we had the precious help of another GT-R provided by Nissan Portugal in collaboration with Caetano Power from Lisbon.

It took several days of work to produce this report, which mobilized all means of Razão Automóvel. We knew from the moment we contacted all the institutions involved that it was going to be worth it.

We would like to acknowledge the collaboration of the Guarda Nacional Republicana and Hospital Santa Maria, as well as the support of Nissan Portugal in providing vehicles to support the report. We extend our thanks to all those who daily contribute to making all this possible: our readers. Thanks.

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nissan gt-r from GNR

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