Cold Start. There's something strange about this "Range Rover Evoque"


In China, if we don't have the money to buy one Range Rover Evoque , we can always buy a LandWind X7, a very close copy of the British model, but sold for a much cheaper price.

In India, the desire for an Evoque seems to be as great as in China, but the price remains a difficult barrier to overcome — it's more than 63 thousand euros for the base version.

No, there are no Indian brands selling Evoque clones, but there is a more affordable solution for those looking to have an SUV on their doorstep with (almost) as much style as an Evoque. pick up a Maruti Suzuki Vitara Brezza — related to “our” Vitara, but they're not the same model — and we've altered it until it looks like an Evoque.

maruti suzuki vitara brezza transformed to look like range rover evoque

We believe that some might confuse it with the genuine article.

How much does the transformation cost? Well, in addition to needing a Vitara Brezza — with (new) prices starting at a nice 9,500 euros —, we have to spend “only” a little more than 7300 euros for the “plastic operation” . As absurd as it sounds, it is still much cheaper than buying the genuine product.

This brutal announcement came to mind…

maruti suzuki vitara brezza transformed to look like range rover evoque

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