Volkswagen: "hydrogen makes more sense in heavy vehicles"


Currently, there are two types of brands in the automotive world. Those who believe in the future of hydrogen cars and those who think this technology makes more sense when applied to heavy vehicles.

With regard to this matter, Volkswagen is included in the second group, as confirmed by Matthias Rabe, technical director of the German brand in an interview with Autocar.

According to Matthias Rabe, Volkswagen does not plan to develop hydrogen models or invest in the technology, at least in the near future.

Volkswagen hydrogen engine
A few years ago Volkswagen even developed a prototype of a Hydrogen-powered Golf and Passat.

And the Volkswagen Group?

Confirmation that Volkswagen does not plan to develop hydrogen cars raises a question: is this vision only for the Wolfsburg brand or does it extend to the entire Volkswagen Group?

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On this subject, the Volkswagen technical director limited himself to saying: "as a group we look at this technology (hydrogen), but for Volkswagen (brand) it is not an option in the near future."

This statement leaves in the air the idea that the other brands of the group may come to use this technology. If you remember, Audi has been investing in hydrogen for some time now, and more recently it even partnered with Hyundai in this regard, while still working in the field of synthetic fuels.

Matthias Rabe ends up meeting an idea that we also discussed in the episode of our podcast dedicated to alternative fuels. Where we also mention that hydrogen fuel cell technology may make more sense when applied to heavy vehicles. Don't miss seeing:

Sources: Autocar and CarScoops.

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