Solid state batteries arrive in 2025. What can we expect?


Once again, the Kenshiki Forum was the stage chosen by Toyota to announce the big news of the Japanese giant for the coming years. An edition that this year was marked by the announcement of Toyota's first 100% electric SUV, and also by the start of marketing of the second generation Toyota Mirai, the hydrogen car — which will also be marketed in Portugal.

But between the announcements of new models, there was also space to talk a little about the brand's future. From the brand's sales expectations, to the future of solid-state batteries — one of the most anticipated technologies in recent years.

More than 60 models electrified by 2025

Currently, 40% of Toyota's budget for innovation and research is invested in electrification. We are talking about new platforms, improving industrial procedures, batteries and electric motors.

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An investment that will be reflected in the launch of 60 new electrified Toyota and Lexus models by 2025. The guarantee is from Koji Toyoshima, head of ZEV Factory, the Toyota division that leads the development of “zero emissions” technologies.

According to Koji Toyoshima's projections, by 2025, 90% of the models sold by Toyota in Europe will be electric or electrified (HEV and PHEV). Only 10% will only have a combustion engine.

Electrification for all

Akio Toyoda, Toyota CEO, has announced several times that automobile electrification alone is not enough. It must be made accessible to everyone, not only through new models but also through new mobility services — Kinto, a division introduced in 2019, is the best example of this positioning.

That's why Toyota announced this year a reinforcement of its partnerships. In addition to Subaru, with whom it will share the E-TNGA platform, Toyota announced at this Kenshiki 2020 Forum that it will continue to strengthen ties with the Chinese from CATL and BYD, in the field of batteries.

Toyota e-TNGA
That's all we've seen so far of Toyota's new model based on the e-TNGA platform.

Koji Toyoshima also announced that Toyota will continue to work with Panasonic. Right now, this partnership between Toyota and Panasonic is focused on increasing industrial efficiency in battery production by up to 10x.

All these partnerships will allow Toyota important economies of scale, greater production efficiency and, ultimately, more competitive prices.

solid state batteries

Solid-state batteries are seen by some experts as one of the most important developments in this technology, since the introduction of lithium-ion cells.

According to Koji Toyoshima, we won't have to wait much longer. Toyota and Lexus expect to launch the first model with solid-state batteries starting in 2025.

solid state batteries

Compared to conventional batteries, solid-state batteries offer several advantages: faster charging, higher energy density (more energy stored in smaller batteries) and better durability.

At this moment, Toyota is in the last stage of development of this technology, just missing the last step: production. It is to be expected that the first model equipped with this technology will be inspired by the Lexus LF-30, a prototype that we already know in "live and in color".

Zero emissions is not enough

But the most important message left by Koji Toyoshima at this Kenshiki 2020 Forum was perhaps the announcement that Toyota doesn't just want “zero emissions” vehicles. Want to go further.

Koji Toyoshima
Koji Toyoshima beside the Prius.

Toyota's commitment to hydrogen (Fuel Cell) will allow its cars equipped with this technology not only not to emit CO2 but also to be able to capture CO2 from the atmosphere. More than ever, Toyota projects its future not as a car brand but as a mobility brand.

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