Several Fiats and this Alfa Romeo have been closed in a warehouse for nearly 30 years


In Argentina, in Avellaneda, in the province of Buenos Aires, a true automotive treasure was discovered inside a warehouse that belonged to Ganza Sevel (one of the most important Fiat distributors in the country until the beginning of the 90s). that full of models… modest.

For almost 30 years, several Fiats (and beyond) were stuck in this warehouse since they were new, that is, they were never sold.

This warehouse turns out to be a real time capsule. It's as if we were looking at a Fiat catalog from the early 90's: from the Fiat Uno to the Tempra, passing through the Tipo (the original). It is also possible to see a Fiat Duna, a sedan with an Uno base, sold in South America.

Fiat Type
All the cars, like this pair of Fiat Tipo, had been out of action for almost 30 years, and the garbage has not stopped accumulating

But it's not just Fiat. Perhaps the most interesting find in this warehouse is even an unusual but very interesting Alfa Romeo 33 Sport Wagon. In addition to the Italian van, we can also see one even a Peugeot 405!

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It's not the first time we've come across a time capsule in the form of a car stand — remember Subaru's abandoned stand on the island of Malta? Which leads us to ask:

After all, what happened?

From what we could see and despite the relevance of Ganza Sevel at the time, a company with a considerable size, it ceased activity in the early 90s in a somewhat unexpected way. There is no certainty and according to the Brazilian publication Quatro Rodas, the company was managed by father and son, but the death of the two, in a short period of time, with no one else in the family wanting to continue the business, ended up motivating its closure .

Peugeot 405

The Fiat Group and PSA formed a partnership for the production and distribution of models in Argentina, Sevel. Perhaps it justifies the presence of this Peugeot 405 among all the other Fiats from Ganza Sevel.

From what we understand, part of the Ganza Sevel stock ended up remaining inside this warehouse to this day. When one of the heirs to the property decided to sell it, he “discovered” all these models inside one of the warehouses.

His idea was to just sell the property by getting rid of the cars (not in the best way), but luckily Kaskote Calcos, a used car dealer based in Buenos Aires, came to the aid of the abandoned cars.

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Unlike the Subaru stand, or even the BMW 7 Series preserved in a bubble that we recently brought to you, these examples belonging to the Ganza Sevel, unfortunately, weren't so well “stored” — it certainly wasn't planned to stay almost 30 years closed inside. a warehouse.

Fiat One
The Fiat Uno 70, after a well-deserved wash. You can still see the Ganza Sevel sticker on the rear window.

retrieve and sell

However, as you can see in the images inserted in the Kaskote Calcos Instagram posts, they are recovering all the models to put them on sale.

As an example, take a look at this Fiat Tipo, with only 75 km on the odometer:

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Looks new! The same thing for the Fiat Uno and the Fiat Tempra which, despite appearing to have the bodywork in a dismal state, it seems that a more thorough cleaning was enough to recover the original “shine” — the interiors, on the other hand, are immaculate, with some of the cars to be coated on the interior still with protective plastics:

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Kaskote Calcos will only put each of these cars for sale after the mechanical recovery and cleaning of each one of them. Also according to them, all vehicles removed from that warehouse, a real time capsule, have less than 100 km on the odometer.

Americans refer to these types of discoveries as “barn find” and, as a general rule, when we read about them they refer to other types of models, sometimes royalty automobiles — sporty, exotic or luxury cars. . Here we are talking about much more modest Fiat Uno and Tipo, but despite that, it is still a valuable discovery about wheels.

Fiat One
The interiors, closed for almost 30 years, seem to be in very good condition, as you can see in this Uno.

That Alfa Romeo 33 Sport Wagon caught our attention…

Source: Four Wheels.

Images: Kaskote Calcos.

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