A Chinese-based electric crossover from Smart is coming


Exclusively electric and currently managed “in socks” by Daimler AG and Geely (remember the 50-50 joint venture?), Smart is getting ready to launch a small and unprecedented electric crossover.

The confirmation was made on LinkedIn by Daniel Lescow, Smart's vice president of global sales, and confirms a piece of news that we had already advanced for almost a year.

According to Daniel Lescow, this electric crossover from Smart will be “the new alpha in the urban jungle”, with the brand executive saying: “It will be exceptional, instantly recognizable as a Smart, ultra modern, sophisticated and with advanced connectivity solutions”. Also according to Lescow, it will be a case where “1 + 1 gives much more than 2!”.

Smart range
There is no confirmed date yet, but it is guaranteed that the Smart range will have a small electric crossover. What remains to be seen is whether any of the current models will disappear.

what we already know

For now, information about this electric crossover from Smart is still scarce. The only confirmations are the fact that it will exist, that it will be developed halfway between Mercedes and Geely and that, for that very reason, it will be based on the new specific platform for trams from Geely, SEA (Sustainable Experience Architecture ).

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Recently unveiled, this modular platform is already used by models from Lynk&Co and should serve as the basis for even a small model from Volvo — it is speculated that it will be an electric crossover positioned below the XC40.

Geely SEA platform
Geely's new tram platform, SEA

Developed with the aim of achieving five stars in safety tests, models based on this platform can offer up to 644 km of autonomy; be front, rear or all-wheel drive; and have up to three electric motors and a range extender (combustion engine).

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