Lexus LFA Art Car is the work of a Portuguese artist


Pedro Henriques is a Portuguese artist and was chosen to create this “art car” for Lexus. It is not the first time that we see cars receiving the attention of artists, and it is true that most of the time they are commissioned by the brands themselves, but it is not common to see “our” artists invited to do so.

Unprecedented is, without a doubt, to see a Lexus LFA for these purposes. The LFA wasn't the first “F” to be known — that primacy fell to the Lexus IS F, introduced in 2007 and marketed in 2008 — but it is clearly the most well-known and significant of the “Fs”.

Its slow development is already legendary — it started in 2000, but the LFA would only begin marketing in… 2010 — but the results were remarkable, reflected in its phenomenal naturally aspirated V10. It was the first and (so far) last model of the brand that we can call “supersports” — the LC, despite its exuberant lines, is, in its essence, a GT — so it would have to be the natural choice for this artistic intervention. .

Lexus LFA Art Car

According to the brand, the organic pattern created by Pedro Henriques, expressing the sensation of movement and constant evolution, merges “instantly with the recognizable lines of the most iconic Lexus supercar”. In the artist's words:

My inspiration for this painting was the idea of ​​fluidity present in contemporary life, where things are in constant motion and it is difficult to stop something. The lines in the drawings follow this feeling of going everywhere without ever stopping; a progressive life. I intended to achieve an organic feel by using handcrafted materials and liquid lines in the elements throughout the car. By doing this, I hope to be able to express a feeling where the car becomes a less defined shape, constantly changing in its movement.

Pedro Henriques
Lexus LFA Art Car

Bet on art and design

This brand initiative follows others related to art and design, such as the brand's annual exhibitions at the Milan Design Week, Italy. More recently, Lexus opened a UX Art Space pop-up gallery in Lisbon as a pre-launch action for Lexus UX, the brand's new compact crossover. In this gallery, various works by various artists are on display, including Pedro Henriques.

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