That was the 1st Off Road Ledger Automobile. An AMAZING day!


About 30 vehicles and 90 people participated in the first Off Road Car Ledger — at all levels a success and an incredible day. An event that allowed us to approach our readers and viewers and even win new fans, for a day that, despite being long, was very rewarding.

The first Off Road Razão Automóvel, organized by our partner, Clube Escape Livre, took us along the trails between Sesimbra and Setúbal, in an event marked by the good mood, the landscapes, the very good food and… dust, even a lot of dust .

Nothing transcendent for the caravan of dozens of vehicles and participants, made up mostly of 4WD vehicles that couldn't be more diverse — there was a little bit of everything, from a UMM Cournil to a CUPRA Ateca (seriously), passing through several Land Rovers, the inevitable Duster and even an artillery Wrangler.

2WD was also present — a fleet of SEAT SUVs, driven by our hobby winners, from the smallest Arona to the largest Tarraco, not to mention the Ateca — and while they couldn't have gone after 4WD on every track, there was more than space to explore them on the many dirt and gravel roads of the chosen routes.

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Watch the video of the first Razão Automóvel event and keep some images of the day, in the galleries below.

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Off Road Car Ledger 2019

Large participation, with about 30 cars present and 90 participants.

Off Road Car Ledger 2019

Guilherme 100% ready for the first Off Road Ledger Automobile

The fantastic and tireless team Razão Automóvel:

Off Road Car Ledger 2019
The tireless Razão Automóvel team, from left to right: Sofia Teixeira, João Tomé, Fernando Gomes, Thomas V. Esveld, Raul Mártires, Filipe Abreu, Ana Miranda; and in the bottom row, Guilherme Costa, Nuno Antunes from Clube Escape Livre who organized the event and, “last but not the least”, Diogo Teixeira.

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