Nissan to help reforest central Portugal


Promoted by Nissan following a challenge launched by Turismo do Centro de Portugal, the initiative LEAF4Trees has a partnership with the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests. Together, the three entities plan to plant around 180,000 trees in the Pinhal de Leiria National Forest.

The protocol that supports the program was signed on May 10, in Lisbon, by the director general of Nissan in Portugal, António Melica, and by the president of Turismo Centro de Portugal, Pedro Machado, with the support of the Secretary of State for Forests and Rural Development.

As for the number of trees to be planted, it will be officially calculated based on the total CO2 saved by the owners of Nissan Leaf and e-NV200 electric vehicles circulating in Portugal, between April 1, 2017 and June 30, 2018.

LEAF4Trees 2018 protocol signature

In order to contribute to this cause, vehicle owners must, however, connect to Nissan's worldwide data center, sharing information on the number of kilometers driven and energy consumed, but will also receive information about the location of new charging stations and data on the operational status and occupation of the stations — if the network operators make this information available.

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