Government to introduce driving license for points


The proposed law for the creation of a driving license based on points must be submitted to the Assembly of the Republic by the end of next month.

The government will proceed with the introduction of a driving license based on points, a system that will replace the current regime of fines and cancellation of the title. A measure that has been debated for several years, and which falls within the scope of the National Road Safety Strategy 2008-2015.

The Secretary of State for Internal Administration, João Almeida, recently announced that this draft law should enter the Assembly of the Republic by the end of March.

For the time being, no details have yet been put forward on the functioning of the point-based driving license system that will be in force in Portugal, and that explanation remains for the moment of presentation of the bill. However, knowing that the decision to change the current regime is the result of an assessment carried out within the scope of the National Road Safety Strategy and a comparative analysis with other countries, the system adopted by Portugal should be very similar to what we find, for example, in Spain.

In Spain, those who have had a driving license for more than 3 years receive a balance of 12 points, and this balance decreases for each offense until a new exam is mandatory. For those newly added, the balance awarded is 8 points. Points are lost whenever offenses are committed. For example, a light penalty results in a loss of 2 points and a severe penalty in 6 points.

The good news is that those who do not commit infractions can earn points. In Spain, if you don't commit any infraction for three years, you can earn more points, in addition to the initial 12. The maximum balance you can get is 15 points.

It should be noted that, despite the use of the points system, the fine system continues to apply. In addition to the loss of points, the fines must be paid, which continue to vary depending on the seriousness of the offence. In countries that have adopted this system, this is how it happens, in Portugal it should be no different.

And what happens to drivers who spend all the points? It's simple, there's no letter. If it's the first time, you can take the license again after 6 months (12 months if you are a repeat offender). Offenders will have to attend a re-education and awareness course, in addition to the theoretical test. In Spain, these courses to repurchase the license last 24 hours and cost around 300 euros.

The creation of the letter by points is justified by the Strategy with the increase in the “degree of perception and accountability of drivers, given their behavior, adopting an easy-to-understand sanctioning system for infractions”. The Government hopes with this measure to contribute, in the final analysis, to the reduction of accidents on the roads.

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