KleinVision AirCar. Give wings to the future of the automobile


The idea of ​​a flying car is almost as old as the automobile, so it's no wonder that every now and then projects like the one that gave rise to the KleinVision AirCar.

Designed by Stefan Klein, the man behind another flying car, the Aeromobil unveiled a few years ago, the AirCar is relatively similar to its predecessor, with the main difference being that it is produced by its own creator's company.

Still a prototype, the KleinVision AirCar has been put to the test and, it seems, it fulfills its purpose well: traveling as well in the air as on the road.

Mechanics is an unknown quantity

As we can see in a video released by KleinVision, the AirCar's wings are retractable, disappearing or appearing as needed in a few seconds. Furthermore, in flight mode, we also see that the rear section grows, increasing the total length of the AirCar.

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As for the mechanics used, that remains unknown, it is not known whether the engine used to move the KleinVision AirCar in the air and on the road is the same or what type of engine it uses.

KleinVision AirCar

Although three- and four-seat versions, with two propellers and even amphibious, are apparently in the pipeline, there is no indication whether the KleinVision AirCar will actually be produced nor is it known if this will be confirmed when it will be available.

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