Jaguar E-Type Zero. They liked it so much, it will be produced!


Made known in September 2017, in the form of a mere prototype without any forecast of going to production, the Jaguar E-Type Zero he will, after all, meet a very different destination.

As the British brand of feline has just announced, the enormous receptiveness shown by customers to a vehicle that seeks to merge the Past, translated in the lines of what many consider the most beautiful Jaguar of all times, and the Future, synonymous with 100% electric propulsion, ended up convincing those responsible to proceed with the production of this unusual proposal.

In favor of this option, the participation of the prototype in the royal wedding, between Prince Harry of England, and the American Meghan Markle, will also have worked, and which made more customers interested in the car.

We were truly impressed by the positive reaction that the Jaguar E-Type Zero concept got. Having managed to make an unusual classic like this appealing, it is still a very important step for Jaguar Classic

Tim Hanning, Director of Jaguar Land Rover Classic
Jaguar E-Type Zero 2018

Electric propulsion available to everyone…

Thus, and seeking to respond to interest, Jaguar Classic has just announced its intention to produce and market all the E-Types, which it has already restored or will restore, already converted into electric vehicles. This, while expressing its willingness to convert any particular E-Type units, whose owners wish to exchange the combustion engine, for a zero-emissions propeller.

The E-Type Zero came to demonstrate the incredible heritage left by the original E-Type, but also the know-how and craftsmanship of the Classic Works department, also in Jaguar Land Rover's effort to offer zero-emission vehicles in all domains. of your business. Including, among the classics

Tim Hanning, Director of Jaguar Land Rover Classic

In 2020, with the aroma of the "60's"

Although, for now, opting not to reveal prices and almost no specifications, Jaguar says it is, at this moment, in the stage of receiving expressions of interest in the E-Type Zero. With the objective of starting with the delivery of the first units to future owners, in the summer of 2020.

Jaguar E-Type Zero 2018

As for the technical aspects, the Jaguar E-Type Zero has a 40 kWh battery pack, which is practically the same size and weight as the original six-cylinder in-line. This not only made it possible to install the new solution in the same location as the combustion engine, that is, under the front hood, but also prevented engineers from having to tamper with the structure, suspension or brakes of the original model.

Moreover, Jaguar guarantees that, although converted to electric, the car maintains the same sensations, “driving, behaving and braking in the same way as an original E-Type, with the distribution of weights unchanged.”.

Sharing several components of the electrical system with the Jaguar I-Pace, the E-Type Zero also has, as is the norm in electric cars, only one speed.

Jaguar E-Type Zero 2018

Charm action at “The Quail”

Aiming to start promoting its new model right away, Jaguar took the E-Type Zero prototype, painted in a unique bronze hue, to the automobile concentration that is part of the Monterey Automobile Week, in the USA, more known as “The Quail”.

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