Electric and Hybrid. Find out how much it might cost to replace the battery


The market for electrified cars — electric and hybrid vehicles — promises to be even more energetic from 2020 onwards.

But as the lack of knowledge and distrust about this technology still persists, we gathered seven common doubts around the topic and raised the questions to the main brands with a hybrid or 100% electric offer.

Depending on the type of technology present in each model, Renault, Nissan, Volkswagen, Audi, Toyota, Lexus, BMW, Kia and Hyundai agreed to clarify the most frequent questions related to electrified vehicles, namely:

  1. Degree of complexity of electric battery replacement of an electric and a hybrid
  2. Expected duration of the operation, including the expected time to have the battery in Portugal
  3. Number of centers available in Portugal with conditions to carry out the work and technicians trained to intervene
  4. Comparison between the deep exchange/repair of a heat engine and the exchange/repair of an electrified mechanics
  5. In predictive maintenance, in addition to consumables (car compartment filter, wedges, tires, brushes, lamps…), what type of maintenance is an electric car subject to? In the case of a hybrid, in addition to what is inherent to the heat engine, what type of maintenance is performed?
  6. What is the most common fault in an electric and a hybrid, including that which can be attributed to poor driving, poor maintenance, poor charging conditions or environmental conditions?
  7. How much can it cost to change an electric and a hybrid battery?

To find out each brand's answers to each of these questions, follow the links below that will take you to the original articles published by Fleet Magazine:

  • Renault
  • nissan
  • Volkswagen/AUDI (SIVA)
  • Toyota/Lexus
  • BMW
  • KIA
  • Hyundai

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