Tesla Model S P85D: from 0-100Km/h in just 3.5 seconds


Tesla engineers got it into their heads that they wanted to beat the McLaren F1 at 0-100km/h acceleration and didn't rest until they reached that goal.

For such a complicated specification to fulfill, they developed the new Tesla Model S P85D. The “D” stands for Dual Motor, which, unlike its brothers in the range, uses yet another electric motor at the front to transform the Tesla into an all-wheel drive model.

Deep down, and the Tesla P85D reacts like a bullet. It's 3.5 seconds from 0 to 100Km/h (about the same time it takes to read this sentence). There are 931 Nm and 691 hp of brute force (221 hp at the front and 470 hp at the rear wheels). The autonomy is approximately 440Km at a cruising speed of 100Km/h.

For those interested, the new innovative model of the North American brand only arrives in Europe in 2015, and prices are not known. And it is good to remember that the autonomy presented implies a moderate driving of 100 km/h.


Sprint from 0 to 100 km/h

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