BMW 333i (E30). The «cousin of the M3» that few people know


We confess. Here at Razão Automóvel, we had never heard of the BMW 333i (E30).

The BMW M3 (E30) was not sold in South Africa. Therefore, the South African division of the German brand decided to create an alternative to the «European» BMW M3. The way they did it is just amazing.

Using the Rosslyn factory, BMW South Africa developed a unique model, limited to just over 200 units. Thus was born the BMW 333i.

7 Series «straight six» engine

While not a true replacement for the M3 (E30), this BMW 333i had its charms. The engine that animated this version was the same one that we found in the slightly sporty — and very luxurious… — BMW 733i. An engine that replaced the 325i unit and delivered an interesting 198 hp of power.

BMW 333i

BMW 333i.

An engine that matched a five-speed manual gearbox with shorter ratios, rear auto-lock and of course… rear wheel drive. To spice things up a little more, BMW South Africa turned to the services of the Alpina preparer, who worked on the intake and supplied a more powerful set of brakes.

In this video, Arshaad Nana, owner of one of the rare units of this model, talks about the experience of having a BMW 333i (E30) in your garage.

What's the point of going to a party if we don't dance?

Arshaad Nana, owner of the BMW 333i (E30)

It is in these terms that the owner of this BMW 333i puts the type of use he gives it. Despite its rarity, he doesn't shy away from taking it out of the garage for a few dance steps.

The Portuguese case

Portugal also had its «BMW 333i», it was called 320is. It was an exclusive version for the national and Italian market. Two countries that suffered from a tax that penalized cars with larger cylinder capacity. A factor that limited the commercial success of the BMW M3 and 325i (E30) in these markets.

BMW 320 is
BMW 320is. The M3 with a Portuguese (and Italian…) accent.

To get around this problem, BMW took the BMW M3 (E30) and made a version with less «caffeine» — that is, less displacement and less visual impact. Thus was born the "Portuguese" BMW 320is. A model that even had a dedicated single-brand trophy, included in the national speed championship. Other times…

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