Mercedes to start producing engines in China


Mercedes-Benz will open an engine plant in Beijing, China. A milestone for the Stuttgart brand, which for the first time in its history will manufacture engines outside Germany.

Beijing Automotive Group, Mercedes' partner in China, will be the entity responsible for operating the factory in Chinese territory. In a 1st phase, the factory will have an annual production capacity of 250,000 engines, but it is estimated that in a short time its production will increase substantially.

This investment, valued at 400 million euros, according to the brand “demonstrates our commitment to serving our Chinese customers even better, with the latest technology produced locally and our confidence in a prosperous future in this market”.

For those who fear a setback in the brand's quality parameters, Mercedes has already stated that it will produce its engines, with the same quality standards and production processes followed in Europe. “We started to manufacture the heart of our Mercedes-Benz vehicles also here in Beijing, reinforcing our strategy of firm and integrated local production. Production follows our globally recognized standards of quality and processes, further strengthening Mercedes-Benz Automóveis' global presence,” explains Frank Deiss, President and CEO of the Joint-venture.

The locally produced engines will power the models sold in that market, including the C-Class, E-Class and GLK-Class.

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