Jaguar Says "No" to Special Editions for China | Car Ledger


Jaguar decides not to follow the trend followed by some brands and declares that it will not have special editions of its models for the Chinese market.

The Chinese market has proved to be extremely attractive for many brands, even leading to the creation of models limited to this market, such as the Audi R8 China Edition, which is already in its second special edition. The inclusion of exclusive elements for the Chinese market, such as seats in special leather or exclusive colors, are not part of Jaguar's plans and who says it is Ian Callum, the brand's design director, during the Shanghai Motor Show.

Jaguar XJR 2014 03

Jaguars sold on the Chinese market will only receive slightly modified versions, in line with other car brands sold on the Chinese market. But these changes will only be at the level of identification of models and engines, and perhaps the use of different woods, which meet the taste of Chinese consumers. The eastern market is increasingly a bet for car brands. How do you comment on this turn to the east? Join us on our Facebook and join the debate!

Jaguar XJR 2014 06
Jaguar XJR 2014 05

Source: Auto Car

Text: Diogo Teixeira

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