Liveblog. Web Summit 2019, the future of the automobile and live mobility


Between November 4th and 7th, the Web Summit is back in Lisbon and, as happened last year, we are live on the stage of conferences dedicated to the automotive and technology sector.

With a total of 70,469 participants from 163 countries, this is already the biggest edition of the Web Summit ever, and, with regard to the automotive world and mobility, there will be no lack of interest during the four days of the event.

Tuesday, November 5th: what can I expect?

After Monday (November 4) was dedicated to the opening ceremony of the Web Summit 2019, the second day of the event has several lectures dedicated to the automotive world.

Anna Westerberg from Volvo Group, Markus Villig from Bolt, Christian Knörle from Porsche AG and Halldora von Koenigsegg are some of the guests on the first day of the conferences.

The themes will be dedicated to the mobility, connected vehicles, smart cities, carsharing and, as expected, the role of the automobile in future societies.

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