Classics and the sweet taste of nostalgia


I'm nostalgic, it's true. It all started because of this article about the lack of charm of modernity.

The fact that Razão Automóvel's newsroom is located in one of the biggest classics sanctuaries in the country doesn't help either. Yes, our office is here, and it's these classics that we look to every day while testing the latest additions.

Boring, isn't it? Nothing.

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It doesn't have to be potent.

In practice, this is a trick question, like: blondes or brunettes?”. Damn, I don't know.”

For now, my crusade is just one, and it's not for tobacco, it's for driving pleasure definition . It's not easy, I confess. Not least because the phenomenon takes many forms. One of them is portrayed in this video, which, incidentally, motivated the writing of this text.

This video perfectly portrays what is perhaps the purest and most rewarding way to drive: aboard a classic car, with gloves on for the purpose, on a twisted road, with a bucolic landscape and a meal to warm the stomach in breaks – I eat good Alentejo food, I like snacks.

Incidentally, the video didn't even show any rants, but it made me want to have a snack while I wrote — I even got a prominent image to match.

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It doesn't have to be recent.

RELATED: The relationship between driving rituals and the pleasure of driving

If I only like classics? Of course not. I am an advocate of progress and technology. By the way, the Automobile Ratio is a sign of these hi-tech times. We are digital — not that this in itself is a sign of modernity. There are a lot of old ones in digital and a lot of new ones on paper, if I do understand.

And I could also write about it. About the experience of reading a car magazine. What if Ledger Automobile did a paper edition? We have to think about it…ahead!

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It doesn't have to be technological.

Honestly, I think I'm going to give up trying to define something as sensory as driving. I have to put an end to this restlessness. Classic or modern cars? In practice this is a trick question, like: white or red? Damn, I don't know.

“the best pleasures in life have no labels, date, place or age limit”

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But for the avoidance of doubt, in the midst of so much nostalgia and vintage spirit, I also like modern cars.

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It doesn't even have to be sporty.

All this to reach the conclusion that perhaps the best pleasures in life have no labels, date, place or age limit. Like a good classic.

Anyway, I've always heard that every good rule has its exception. True? And since you're here, follow us on Instagram (so you always know where we're going). Modernity has good things too. But the classics have that charm…

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