This is the only armored Peugeot 205 GTI in the world, and it's for sale


The story is told in not many words: little given to exhibitionism or ostentation, the French millionaire Bernard Arnault, owner of the largest luxury goods sales group in the world (LVMH), decided to acquire, in 1990, a perfectly ordinary car, in which it could easily go unnoticed — a Peugeot 205 GTI.

However, due to his status, Arnault didn't just buy the 205 GTI; as soon as he acquired it, he ordered the company Labbé to armor it, so that it would comply with Level 2 classification for this type of vehicle. That is, to be able to pass unharmed by shootings and armed attacks.

Due to the increase in weight that the “armour” brought — it's almost 1400 kg against the official 875 kg of the original — it needed reinforcements all over the place, which naturally includes the suspension and brakes. However, everything points to the 1.9 of 130 hp has not suffered any change.

Peugeot 205 GTI Armored 2018
Seen from the outside, no one would say they are fit to go through a war zone!…

Safe exterior, more luxurious interior

Otherwise, few changes, with the 205 maintaining the same external appearance, despite the armored bodywork and bulletproof windows, while, inside the cabin, it is possible to find options such as air conditioning or even steering assisted. Two components that were not standard equipment on the original model.

In terms of comfort, leather seats and door panels, as well as red carpets, in clear contrast to the black of the rest of the cabin, were also part of Arnault's choices.

Peugeot 205 GTI Armored 2018
Discreet on the outside, the Peugeot 205 GTI by Bernard Arnault does not fail to reveal some luxury inside

Still on behalf of the first owner

currently with 14 700 kilometers , this Peugeot 205 GTI was driven by the entrepreneur for several years, until, in 2009, it passed into the hands of a private collector, who, however, kept the car in the millionaire's name. The car is now for sale, through the company Art&Revs, at base price of 37 500 euros.

Peugeot 205 GTI Armored 2018
In an armored car, bulletproof glass could not be missing

It is true that, with this amount, it is possible to buy, not one, but several units of this type, in the second-hand market. Many of them are even in a state of conservation as good as this 205 GTI. However, it is also true that, no matter how good they are, none can be as exclusive or unique as Bernard Arnault's bulletproof Peugeot 205 GTI…

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