Volvo wants to accelerate the development of autonomous driving


The Drive Me London program developed by Volvo, will use real families and aims to reduce the number of accidents as well as congestion on British roads.

Volvo will use the information collected in this programme, which will start next year, to develop its autonomous driving vehicles, suitable for real driving conditions, to the detriment of the unrealistic conditions that can be obtained with the tests on the track.

By 2018, the program is expected to include 100 vehicles, making this the largest autonomous driving study ever carried out in the United Kingdom. Drive Me London promises to revolutionize British roads in 4 key areas – safety, congestion, pollution and time saving.

According to Håkan Samuelsson, President and CEO of the Swedish brand:

“Autonomous driving represents a step forward in road safety. The sooner self-driving cars are on the road, the sooner they start saving lives.”

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