New Opel Corsa in intensive testing. Sales start in summer


The start of sales is scheduled for the summer, but the first deliveries of the new Opel Corsa they won't occur until next autumn, so the sixth generation — the F generation, according to the German brand's nomenclature — continues to undergo intensive testing.

Proof of this are the new set of images and video recently released by the German brand, now belonging to the PSA Group.

According to Opel, the sixth generation of its bestseller (in all, 13.6 million units have been sold since 1982) is being tested in three different locations: in the Swedish region of Lapland, at the Test Center of the Opel in Dudenhofen, near Frankfurt and in the electromagnetic compatibility laboratories in Rüsselsheim.

The tests carried out in Lapland have served, among other things, to fine-tune the operation of dynamic systems with electronic control — for stability, braking and traction. The work developed in Germany has been dedicated to the refinement of dynamic capabilities and also the reliability of electronic systems in the most diverse situations.

Opel Corsa
According to Opel, the big bet on this sixth generation of Corsa is to improve efficiency and dynamic behavior.

What is known about the new Opel Corsa

Developed based on the CMP platform (the same used by the DS 3 Crossback and by the new Peugeot 208), some details of the new generation of the German model are already known. One of them is the appearance of an unprecedented electric version, the e-Corsa, which should be available soon after the launch of the sixth generation of the Corsa.

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Opel has also said that the next Corsa should lose about 10% of its weight compared to the current generation, with the lightest version of all being below the 1000 kg barrier (980 kg).

Opel Corsa tests
Despite the camouflage, you can see the typical Opel steering wheel and gearshift lever.

In addition to this, the Corsa F should also debut in the B segment the IntelliLux LED Matrix headlamp system already used by the Astra and the Insignia which allows the headlights always work in "high beam" mode permanently adjusting light beams to traffic conditions.

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