Opel Iconic Concept 2030: looking for the Opel of the future


The joint project Opel Iconic Concept 2030 seeks to find out how young people imagine Opel from the point of view of future consumers.

Times change, wills change. Opel wanted to discover how young design talent see the brand in the year 2030, so it developed a project with the German University of Pforzheim, through which Transport Design students took on the task of creating the “Opel Iconic Concept 2030”.

Part of this collaboration consisted in opening the Opel Design Studios in Rüsselsheim – the first design department in Europe – to two students from that course, so that they could closely follow the process of creating a car.

“We are constantly developing our well-known design philosophy, «Sculptural Art combined with German Precision». From that perspective, we thought of trying to find out how young people imagine Opel from the point of view of future consumers. We were very impressed with the creativity and some surprising designs, so we want to support this emerging talent.”

Mark Adams, Vice President of the Design Department at Opel.

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For more than a semester, students had the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities as future designers. The team led by Design Director Friedhelm Engler and Chief Designer Andrew Dyson followed the progress of the work, clarifying and advising, from the first sketch to the presentation of the finished models.

The works of Russian students Maya Markova and Roman Zenin stood out the most, and as such, Opel offered them both a six-month internship at the Design Studio in Rüsselheim, during which the young people will work with technicians from the German brand.

Opel Iconic Concept 2030

Featured Image: Opel GT Concept

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