Cold Start. Porsche Cayenne Turbo helps set speed record… on bicycle


Neil Campbell has one goal in mind: to be the fastest on... bike. He already holds the European record, having recently reached the incredible mark of 240 km / h. It's brutal speed for a pedal vehicle, but the world record is far — far away — at an impressive 294 km/h.

How is it possible to reach such speeds on pedals? Well, thanks to the power of the… automobile. THE Porsche Cayenne Turbo used in this attempt, duly modified, “opens the way” to the bicycle. Like? The Cayenne takes on all the aerodynamic effort, isolating the cyclist in a sort of vacuum, which allows him to pedal at high speeds without having to deal with the effects of aerodynamic friction — slipstream taken to an extreme.

Campbell starts his attempt properly attached to the Cayenne, breaking free at around 170 km/h, and having no friction to fight against, he manages to keep up with the Cayenne's increase in speed on his very special and elongated bike designed by Moss Bikes. Amazing, isn't it?

Source: Car Throttle

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