ID.4. Volkswagen's first electric SUV is already in production


Just now we got to know the ID.3, but the production of the second member of the ID family, the Volkswagen ID.4 , has already started.

Like the ID.3, the new ID.4, the brand's first electric SUV, yet to be publicly revealed, will be produced at Volkswagen's factory in Zwickau, Germany.

Zwickau is still being converted to exclusively produce electric vehicles. In other words, in the future, from its production lines, we will see only and only multiple Volkswagen electric models (and not only) deriving from MEB, the Volkswagen Group's dedicated electric platform.

Ralf Brandstätter, Volkswagen CEO, at the foot of the first produced unit of the ID.4
They are seeing firsthand the (open) door of the first produced unit of the ID.4, with Ralf Brandstätter, Volkswagen CEO, in the background, during the presentation of the production start of the new electric SUV.

Zwickau's conversion will cost the German group 1.2 billion euros and when it works “full steam” it will be the largest factory of its kind in Europe — by the end of 2021, more than 300 thousand electric cars will have left its production lines.

It sounds like a lot, but Volkswagen's plans are far more ambitious: by 2025 Volkswagen estimates it will be selling 1.5 million electric vehicles a year , and at that time, both the ID.3 and the ID.4, should be accompanied by two dozen new 100% electric models.

Ralf Brandstätter, Volkswagen CEO, on the ID.4 production line
Ralf Brandstätter, Volkswagen CEO, on the ID.4 production line

Zwickau will later be joined by other factories of the German manufacturer in the production of trams: Emden, Hanover, Zuffenhausen and Dresden, in Germany; and Mladá Boleslav (Czech Republic), Brussels (Belgium), Chattanooga (USA), Foshan and Anting (both in China).

Volkswagen ID.4 to conquer the world

The ID.3 was the first of the new 100% electric ID family that we got to know about, but the new Volkswagen ID.4 is even more ambitious.

Volkswagen ID.4

It will be bigger in dimensions and will take on the contours of an SUV, the most popular typology across the planet.

No wonder, therefore, that his production is not limited to Zwickau alone. The new Volkswagen ID.4 will also be produced in the US, at the brand's factory in Chattanoga (scheduled for 2022), and at two Chinese factories, Foshan and Anting (where pre-production has already started) — it will be a true global vehicle.

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Final specifications for the new Volkswagen ID.4, the production version of the concept ID, have yet to be released. Crozz, but expect two and four-wheel drive versions and an estimated maximum range of up to 500 km (depends on the version).

The unveiling of the new Volkswagen ID.4 will take place at the end of next September. Until then, he recalls Guilherme Costa's first contact with ID.3:

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