Cold Start. Thieves defeated by a manual gearbox


Just as he was getting out of the car to head to the supermarket, a woman in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, was approached by two young people, aged 15 and 17, who, taking the keys from her hands, they tried to get away with the car.

Question of divine justice or whatever, the truth is that the thieves ended up not going anywhere. They were defeated by the clutch pedal and the manual gearbox of the car in question , something few drivers are familiar with in the country of automatic transmissions!

Attempted robbery failed, the youths fled... on foot. But they didn't go far either. The police located them and detained them shortly after the incident, in what had already been the second robbery/carjacking attempt of that day - in the first, also against a woman, the victim's screams and the honking were enough to to put away.

About the “Cold Start”. From Monday to Friday at Razão Automóvel, there is a “Cold Start” at 9:00 am. While you drink your coffee or gather the courage to start the day, keep up to date with interesting facts, historical facts and relevant videos from the automotive world. All in less than 200 words.

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