Do you remember this one? Volkswagen Polo G40, the terrifying


Quick as a hare and false as a fox, so it was in a nutshell the Volkswagen Polo G40 . Launched in the distant year of 1991 and powered by a 1300 cm3 engine that used a G-lader volumetric compressor to use its valuable services — hence the name “G”; the “40” refers to the compressor dimension — the most humble German sports car might be small in dimensions but not in terms of performance.

The hare

Capable of developing a maximum power of 115 hp (113 hp in versions with catalyzer) the «puto reguila» of the bittersweet nation in Europe, launched itself to 100 km/h in less than nine seconds and covered the first kilometer launched in less than 30 seconds. The maximum speed was set by the magic figure of 200 km/h.

All this in a model that based its entire structure on a chassis developed in the early 1980s, designed to embrace engines with half a dozen “ponies”. And that's it, the "hare" part of the G40 is explained.

Volkswagen Polo G40

The Fox

The worst part of the G40 was the “fox” part. As I said in the lines preceding this one, the rolling base of this model had its origins in a chassis developed in the early 1980s, which was therefore dimensioned to house low-powered engines and not engines capable of launching the small Polo at speeds that outshine the 200 km/h.

But that's what Volkswagen did, put a super-engine in there… like a boss! The result could be none other than this: a car with a dynamic behavior as stable as the behavior of a psychopath. And these lines explain the part of the G40's falsehood.

Volkswagen Polo G40

The brakes did their job well, but only when the car was parked. Once in progress they didn't brake, they slowed down. The suspensions did what they could given their simple conventional arm architecture, meaning little or nothing.

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Inserting the Polo G40 into a corner and getting out of the experience alive was like defusing a bomb: half good, half lucky. By now many of you must be thinking that the Polo G40 is a "cigar" without measure. Don't you dare think that!


The Volkswagen Polo G40 is an epic car with no defects! Let's say it only has very marked “behavioral nuances”. A model that deserves one by one, those who pay it reverence and who even today keep alive the cult of the small-large Polo G40.

A car that is more than a driving school, it was a valiant practice(!) for those new to sports cars. The boys who survived the experiment in the 1990s are now thick-bearded men. Men (and women…) who deserve all our credit for taming an untamed German car that was as challenging and fun as it was dangerous. Maybe even more dangerous than fun… but long live G!

Volkswagen Polo G40

Even today, on lucky days you can see them around. Some esteemed others with plenty of "war" marks, making theirs the young and less young, who either by choice or because the money doesn't pay for more, see in the "G" their escape for adrenaline and driving pleasure.

Look it up on youtube, and easily find videos of G40 altered at over 240 km/h. Proven proof that in some cases car psychosis is even transmitted to owners.

Volkswagen Polo G40

PS: I dedicate this article to my great friend Bruno Lacerda. One of those who survived (just barely…) the crazes of a car with too much heart and too little chassis.

About "Remember this one?" . It is the section of Razão Automóvel dedicated to models and versions that somehow stood out. We like to remember the machines that once made us dream. Join us on this journey through time here at Razão Automóvel.

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