Low Law: Tuning in Portugal (documentary)


A way of life? A personal taste? When to do what you like, you have to break the law and overcome prejudices. Low Law is a documentary that talks about all this and more.

Portugal is certainly one of the countries where the taste for cars is stronger, but let's see. Despite economic difficulties, Portugal continues to be one of the European countries where the market share of premium brands is higher. We are also the country where, after the most acute period of the crisis (2011 and 2012), the automobile market grew the most in percentage terms. There is no doubt that the Portuguese are fond of cars.

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A taste so great (can I call it passion?) that it is capable of facing the law, the prejudice rooted in society and even financial difficulties. Low Law is a documentary that talks about just that: about the difficulties faced by those who make cars not only a hobby but also a way of life.

By interviewing some tuning lovers, this documentary tries to demystify the prejudices that still persist in society – bandits, speeds, criminals, madmen, etc. – when in fact, most of them are normal people. For the sake of road safety, legality, and the respect of the State for all citizens, it is time for political power to address this matter and stop whistling to one side. Even more, knowing that there are two values ​​in competition, which can sometimes be in conflict: on the one hand, the right that each one has to transform what is theirs, and on the other, the State's duty to ensure road safety. Something has to change.

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