Toyota Yaris Hybrid R: Most Electrifying SUV Ever | Car Ledger


Taking advantage of its vast experience when it comes to hybrid vehicles, Toyota presented a truly bold proposal in Frankfurt, meet the Hybrid R.

The RA is pleased to present to you one of the sportiest ecological alternatives ever, the Toyota Yaris Hybrid R. This “ecological nonsense” geared towards the tracks is based on a Yaris with a 3-door bodywork. So far nothing special, or this Hybrid R is equipped with 3 engines. Yes it's true it's not editorial jackdaw, they are «3motors» that result in a combined power of 420 horsepower.


The first ingredient for this «crazy recipe» starts in a 1.6 liter turbo block with an imposing 300 horsepower, responsible for the motor drive of the wheels on the front axle, the second ingredient of this madness takes shape with 2 electric motors each with 60hp and responsible for the rear wheel drive.

What makes this Toyota Yaris Hybrid R a four-wheel drive car, which according to Toyota, the system is capable of automatically more efficiently distributing the torque between the 2 axles and the 4 driving wheels and which has special tuning for the 'changes in trajectory'. According to Toyota the total power of 420 horsepower is only available in «circuit mode», while in «road mode», the power is restricted to an interesting 340 horsepower.


Toyota claims that this difference in power is due to the new method of energy storage, which instead of being in a battery, as in other hybrid models of the brand, in the Yaris Hybrid R, Toyota uses a «Condenser» , which, unlike batteries, is an element with a greater density of accumulated energy and which allows for faster charging and discharging, with less loss of performance due to its lower electrical resistance in charging and discharging compared to batteries. This «condenser» in circuit mode allows discharges of 100% of the accumulated energy in «5 seconds» to power the electric motors.

If the question is already forming in your minds, then and then what? That's where Toyota takes another "rabbit out of its hat" with this super radical Yaris, the electric motors are equipped with energy recovery for decelerations and as if that weren't enough for constant deep accelerations, there is a "generator" coupled to the petrol engine that is in charge of charging the «condenser».


The “puzzle” on this Toyota Yaris Hybrid R comes with the second function of the “generator” which also does electrical load management for the electric motors acting as a simulation of a traction control system.

And you wonder, so how is this possible? According to Toyota, the brand explains that when there is excess power in the front wheels and they start to slip, the system directly uses this excess rotation to produce current and immediately supply it to the 2 electric motors on the rear axle, making automatically manage the traction available. Maximum efficiency therefore...

Toyota Yaris Hybrid R: Most Electrifying SUV Ever | Car Ledger 11437_4

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