Watch here (live) the final of the World Car Awards 2020


What will be the best “car in the world” 2020? That's what we'll find out today, starting at 3:30 pm, with the World Car Awards 2020 live stream from the USA, Mexico, Germany and India.

Five World Car Awards judges, Scotty Reiss, George Notaras, Carlos Sandoval, Jens Meiners and Siddharth Pantakar, will announce to the world the winners of the World Car Awards 2020 in the various categories:

  • World Car Design of the Year 2020;
  • World Performance Car 2020;
  • World Urban Car 2020;
  • World Luxury Car 2020;
  • World Car of The Year 2020 (main prize).

To find out which candidates are (TOP 3) in these World Car Awards categories:

Click here

Contrary to what is usual — due to the global pandemic in the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) — the announcement will not be made from the New York Motor Show. It will be done via LIVE STREAM, which you can follow live here at Razão Automóvel (featured video).

About the World Car Awards

For the 7th consecutive year, the World Car Awards (WCA) were considered the world's #1 awards program in the automotive industry — data from the Prime Research Global report.

In Portugal, the World Car Awards are represented by Guilherme Ferreira da Costa, director and co-founder of Razão Automóvel.

Jaguar I-Pace
In 2019 it was like this: Jaguar I-PACE was dominating. Who will succeed you in 2020?

The history of the World Car Awards

THE WCA is an independent organization, founded in 2004 and made up of more than 80 judges representing the world's leading specialist media. The best cars are distinguished in the following categories: Design, City, Luxury, Sports and World Car of the Year.

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Officially launched in January 2004, it has always been the WCA organization's aim to reflect the reality of the global market, as well as to recognize and reward the best of the automotive industry.

Razão Automóvel's team will continue online, 24 hours a day, during the COVID-19 outbreak. Follow the recommendations of the General Directorate of Health, avoid unnecessary travel. Together we will be able to overcome this difficult phase.

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