Lockdown. Suspension of parking meters in Lisbon pending approval


Unlike what happened during the first confinement, this time payment for parking in the city of Lisbon was not suspended. However, that could be about to change.

Last Thursday, Lisbon City Council approved, with the favorable votes of the PSD, CDS, BE and PCP and the votes against the PS, a proposal to suspend payment for parking managed by EMEL.

For the measure to take effect, approval by the Municipal Assembly, in which the Socialist Party holds a majority, is lacking and the document may be disapproved.

In the city of Porto, as in the first confinement, payment for parking meters is suspended.

It's honey
For now, parking in the city of Lisbon has not been suspended.

Measures already approved

In addition to providing for the suspension of payment for parking, the proposal presented by the CDS provided for two more measures.

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The first was the free parking permit in EMEL car parks for vehicles with a valid resident badge, and the second provided that badges that were valid on January 15th would be valid until March 31st.

Both unanimously approved, these two measures do not need to be approved by the Municipal Assembly of Lisbon to enter into force.

Also unanimously approved by the Lisbon Municipal Assembly was the maintenance of free parking until 30 June for NHS health teams involved in the fight against the pandemic.

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