How would a SM of the century. XXI? DS Automobiles wants your help to choose a design


Inspired by the avant-garde spirit of the original Citroën SM, DS Automobiles and DS Design Studio Paris decided to imagine what the “SM 2020” would be like in the year that marks the 50th anniversary of the launch of the original model.

To do this, DS Automobiles has been presenting since yesterday (10 March) six design proposals and wants you to vote for your favourites.

Voting takes place in a “duel” format and takes place on DS Automobiles' Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts. The winning designs of each duel will then compete in a second phase of the competition, in which their sharing on social media will be decisive.

SM 2020 Geoffrey Rossillion

Those who help DS choose the design of the “SM 2020” will also have the opportunity to win a lithograph designed and signed by the creator of the winning proposal. As for the voting program, we leave it here:

  • Thursday, March 12, from 1:00 pm
  • Saturday, March 14, from 1:00 pm
  • Final round from Monday, March 16th

The Citroën SM

Launched in 1970, the Citroën SM stems from an era when the French brand owned Maserati and combined an avant-garde style typical of Citroën at the time, with a V6 engine from the Italian manufacturer — interestingly, thanks to the PSA/FCA fusion, the destinations of the two brands will cross each other again…

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The end result was a very advanced car for its time, but that did nothing to help Citroën's already weak financial condition. With the bankruptcy of the Citroën brand in 1974 and its integration into the PSA Group, SM would be discontinued in 1974 without leaving a successor, but it left a lot of nostalgia and a generous legion of fans.

Citron SM

Here is the original Citroën SM.

Now, 50 years after its release, DS wants to reimagine it in the form of “SM 2020” and even proposes to fans of the brand to share their own creations on social media using the references “@DS_Official” and “#SM2020 ”.

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