New enrollments. The first (and second) enrollments have already been assigned


We've known them for two years now and a few months ago we learned that they were going to “lose” the area where the car's date appears, however, it is only now that the new license plates came into circulation.

According to news agency Lusa, the first license plate of the new series, the "AA 00 AA" was for the IMT as a "souvenir". The second, the first to actually enter into circulation, with the sequence “AA 01 AA” was attributed to an electric car.

As for the last registration with the series that has just ended, the “99-ZZ-99”, the IMT revealed that this was also attributed to an electric car — signs of the times…

new enrollments

What changes in new enrollments?

In view of the number plates that they replace, the new registration numbers not only lose the indication of the month and year of the car, but also saw the dots that separated the sets of letters and numbers disappear.

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Also new is the fact that the decree law that established the new registrations foresees the possibility that they will have three digits instead of just two.

Finally, the registrations of motorcycles and mopeds will also be introduced to new features, with the identification badge of the Member State, facilitating the international circulation of these vehicles (until now, whenever traveling abroad, it was necessary to circulate with the letter “P ” placed on the rear of the motorcycle).

According to the IMT, new registrations may be used for an estimated period of 45 years.

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