ID.3 Convertible. Yes or No? Volkswagen wants to know our opinion


Volkswagen currently has only one convertible in its catalog, the (SUV) T-Roc Cabrio. But in the realm of possibilities, the German brand tempts us with a ID.3 Convertible , in what would be his first 100% electric convertible.

Volkswagen's tradition of convertibles is long — "Carocha" and Golf have been its main protagonists — but these types of models, at least in the more popular segments, have been passed over for "stylish" crossovers and SUVs, and nowadays they are practically… non-existent.

Could the silent, exhaust-free electric car allow a resurgence of the convertible car?

Volkswagen ID.3 Convertible

At first glance, it seems to us a more appealing proposal than a convertible comparable to the rattle of a diesel engine — a phenomenon from the beginning of this century —, more in harmony with the intention of being a passenger car, to enjoy more at placid rhythms. than to “rip up” through a winding road or highway.

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Volkswagen shows us a vision of what could be an ID.3 Convertible that, despite still looking like an ID.3, reveals profound changes. The most obvious, besides the lack of a roof, is the two-door bodywork instead of the five-door one we have in the regular ID.3.

Otherwise we can only speculate. Would the excellent living space allowed by the ID.3 electric platform (MEB) guarantee reasonable and comfortable space for the two rear occupants? The space behind is usually sacrificed a lot in this type of models.

Despite the official nature of the proposal, Volkswagen has not yet decided to go ahead… officially with an ID.3 Convertible. The brand is “testing the waters” to ascertain the level of interest; they want to know our opinions on the matter. Electric or not will always remain a niche vehicle and demand must be large enough to justify the substantial investment that this type of variant will require.

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