Renault, Peugeot and Volkswagen. Best-selling brands in 2017


2017 was a very positive year for the national car market. Compared to 2016, there was an increase of 7.6% (7.7% including heavy vehicles), resulting in the sale of 260 654 units (266 386 including heavy vehicles). In the best-selling brands, however, there were no big surprises.

However, the month of December registered a strong and predictable slowdown in all sectors: light (+0.4%), light commercial (−0.1%) and heavy (−11.8%). Overall, the market contracted 0.1% compared to the same month in 2016.

The best selling brands

Behind the good numbers for the year, we find a table led by Renault, which repeats the feat of 2016. The podium, incidentally, remains unchanged in 2017, with Peugeot and Volkswagen maintaining second and third place, respectively.


The list of the 10 most sold brands (includes cars and light commercials) is outlined as follows:

  • Renault — 37 785 units.
  • Peugeot — 27 550 pcs.
  • Volkswagen — 18 263 units.
  • Mercedes-Benz — 18 096 units.
  • citron — 16 840 units.
  • Fiat — 15 281 pcs.
  • opel — 15 061 units
  • BMW — 14 534 units.
  • nissan — 13 587 units.
  • Ford — 11 889 units

winners and losers

Yes, there have been extraordinary increases of 100% or more for some more exotic brands — Aston Martin, Bentley or Lamborghini — but we're talking about sales that, in absolute terms, don't add up to the number of fingers in your hands.

More relevantly, in volume builders we were able to observe performances worthy of a record. Renault, the highlighted leader, was also one of the brands that saw its sales rise the most — around 13.5%, almost double the market's growth. Highlight for Fiat and Nissan, which rose, respectively, 17.6% and 11%. Also in the Top 10, Peugeot (+8.1%), Citroën (+9.1%), Opel (+9.8%) and Ford (+9.4%) also presented higher growth rates than the market.

2017 Fiat 500 Anniversary

Further down the table, the highlight goes to Hyundai (17th place) with an annual increase of 43.2% — in December the rise was even more expressive, reaching 64.5%. Dacia and Kia also registered pronounced increases of 19.2% and 12.3% respectively.

The Volkswagen group's volume brands seem to be on a downward trajectory. With the exception of Audi (+1.2%), both Volkswagen (−4.5%), SEAT (−2.3%) and Skoda (−20.8%) saw their sales decrease compared to 2016 Other brands that stood out, in the negative, were Mitsubishi (−13.9%) and Honda (−33.1%).

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