Nissan and IPAM launch award in Marketing


Nissan Iberia – Portugal SA and the Portuguese Institute of Administration and Marketing (IPAM) have just announced the “Nissan/IPAM Marketing Award” which aims to provide the finalists of the degree in Marketing Management with an opportunity to apply the lessons learned in a real context in their academic training.

The award is materialized in the attribution of a paid internship lasting one year at Nissan Iberia – Portugal and will be awarded to a student selected by a committee of IPAM and Nissan among the candidates.

IPAM, The Marketing School privileges contacts and partnerships with the labor market through the relationship with the business world, supported by the fundamental strategic pillars that are Applied Research and the ability to develop employability indices, through the realization of projects advisory and training and placement of interns and former students.

In Nissan's case, bringing the academic world closer to the business reality of the automotive sector is the main objective of this award, which will foster a synergy of scientific, technical and human skills between partner entities and students.

According to Marco Toro, General Manager of Nissan Iberia – Portugal, with this internship protocol “Nissan wants to contribute to creating value for students in Portugal, providing them with a business environment to put into practice the knowledge acquired in the school environment . For us, it is also an opportunity to integrate new knowledge and an innovative vision into our organization. The company's interconnection with the communities where it operates is part of the Nissan brand values; we believe that this is also a way of contributing to the construction of a better and more sustainable society”.

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Text: PR

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