Elon Musk wants to create tunnels to escape traffic


Tesla's boss wants to stop the traffic, but the solution will not be autonomous cars.

Although he is a multimillionaire and the leader of some of the big companies, such as Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk struggles daily with very mundane problems: the traffic . The difference – between Elon Musk and the common mortal, it is understood – is that the businessman of South African origin has the power to find solutions and means to implement them, as he has already proved in the past.

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It was precisely while he was stuck in traffic that Elon Musk had yet another of his radical ideas. The businessman insisted on sharing it on twitter:

Musk, who was previously linked to another passenger transport project, Hyperloop, now wants to create an alternative form of transport through tunnels.

And for those who think that this is just another inconsequential idea, in the following tweet Elon Musk made a point of ensuring that he will really go ahead with the idea and that the company can be called The Boring Company (hat tip to Jorge Monteiro).

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