Opel: lights that point to where the driver is looking


Opel announced that it is developing an adaptive lighting system guided by the driver's gaze. Confused? Find out how it works here.

The technology is still far from being applied to Opel's production models, but the German brand has already confirmed that the development of this adaptive lighting system guided by the driver's gaze is ongoing.

How it works?

A camera with infrared sensors, aimed at the driver's eyes, analyzes his every movement 50 times a second. The information is sent in real time to the lights, which automatically point to the area where the driver is directing his attention.

Opel engineers also took into account the fact that drivers unconsciously look at various locations. To prevent the lights from constantly moving, Opel has developed an algorithm that helps the system to filter out these unconscious reflections, causing a delay in the headlights' response whenever necessary, ensuring greater fluidity in the direction of the lights.

Ingolf Schneider, Opel's Director of Lighting Technology, revealed that this concept has already been studied and developed for two years.

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