Sell ​​Your Used Car: 5 Tips To Succeed


Trading your long-distance companion can be a more difficult and complex task than you think. Stay with our tips and you'll see that you'll be able to sell your used car and close a deal in no time. If in the meantime you are also thinking about buying a used car, here are eight tips for those who want to buy.


Sellers in this country, point out this tip: a dirty car, with an ashtray overflowing with butts, water bottles scattered on the floor or personal effects — believe me, there are ads like that — is half the way for any customer to be uninterested in your car .

Spend time and money cleaning your car. They will more easily have a return.



Clear the studio for a photo shoot to be able to sell your used car. No need to go to extremes… A good set of photographs is half the way for anyone interested in entering your ad, but it doesn't take a lot of know-how to do it successfully.

Avoid taking pictures in the backyard or in an underground car park. In addition to showing no concern, they are of poor quality and, at times, do not let the interior of the car show through.

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Tip: after cleaning, take your used car outside and take key photographs that any advertisement should have: front, rear, trunk, rear seats, wheels, front seats, center console and steering wheel. Don't get too excited and don't make a photo book for your car.

Advertisements with 50 photographs, where the first 10 are with the chrome detail of the handbrake button, are boring and uninteresting.


You bought the car for a fortune and you don't want to lose money by getting rid of it. It costs, it's true… But let's be reasonable: when a car leaves the stand, it is already devaluing. So, you have to be realistic and see what other advertisers are asking for a car like yours.

Remember, if it's too expensive, those interested will pass by your ad; But be careful when you lower the price too much: if it's too cheap, keep in mind that everyone knows the saying “when the alms are great, the poor distrust”.


Anyone looking for a used car already knows (almost) all the technical specifications by heart. Try to be creative, write a text or with more humor or emotion where you mention various relevant aspects of the car, such as ease of parking, consumption, behavior in longer runs, etc. Remember this ad that was so good that even Nissan bought the car?


There goes the time when there were pages and pages of newspapers dedicated only to car sales. Times have evolved and now there are portals, free or not, such as OLX, AutoSapo or Standvirtual, very simple to use and seen by thousands of people daily.

If you want, you can always pay to highlight the ad.

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