From January 1st it will be (even) more expensive to drive a car


In the next year, mobility will not only be more expensive for those who walk. For those who travel by car or public transport, the conversation is different.

For motorists, the State Budget for 2018 includes an increase in the Vehicle Tax (ISV ) which varies between 0.94% and 1.4%. The way in which this rate is levied — the combination of displacement and emissions — aggravates the most polluting cars and benefits those with lower CO2 rates with a lower rate.

THE Single Circulation Tax (IUC) will also be aggravated. The Single Circulation Tax has an average increase of 1.4% in all IUC tables.

For Category B vehicles registered after January 1, 2017, the novelty is the reduction of the additional fee from 38.08 euros to 28.92 euros in the tier "plus 180 up to 250 g/km" of CO2 emissions and 65 .24 to 58.04 euros in the “more than 250 g/km” range of CO2 emissions.

The exemption from IUC payment is maintained for exclusively electric vehicles or vehicles powered by non-combustible renewable energies.

At the Tax on Petroleum Products (ISP) applicable to methane and petroleum gases used as fuel increases by 1.4%, fixed at 133.56 euros/1000 kg, and between 7.92 and 9.13 euros/1000 kg, when used as fuel.

more expensive highways

Driving on the highways will also be more expensive. The increase foreseen by the Government dictates an increase of 1.42%, in light of the annual inflation rate, without housing, in October, released on November 13 by the National Statistics Institute (INE).

Tolls between Lisbon and Porto increase 45 cents for class 1. This is the largest increase registered on the motorways concessioned to Brisa. Infraestruturas de Portugal will also increase toll prices on motorways.

Brisa's increases affect 26% of the motorway sections under concession to the company. Infraestruturas de Portugal will introduce increases in 161 motorway sections, covering the equivalent of 32% of the network. There are 340 stretches of highway left outside, that is, 68% of the total, whose toll prices do not increase in the next year.

More expensive public transport

With regard to public transport in Lisbon, there is also a price update. As an example, the Navegante Urbano pass (Carris, Metro and CP) will be increased by 50 cents, costing 36.70 euros. The Navegante network starts to cost another 60 cents.

The new STCP tariffs, in Porto, indicate that a ticket for a trip will cost 1.95 euros, while the monthly subscription will cost 47.70 euros.

The new prices are contained in a table published by the Institute of Mobility and Transport.

2018 IMT Table

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