The iCar Steve Jobs envisioned in 2008 may be coming


In 2008, Steve Jobs had already devised an iCar. In 2020 the Apple tribe could even extend to four wheels.

In an interview with Bloomberg, former Apple senior vice president Tony Fadell said that the idea of ​​an iCar had already been discussed with Steve Jobs on several occasions in 2008. Fadell explained that a series of hypothetical issues even culminated in in a serious conversation: the concept, the energy source, and which platform they should be inspired by. Even the interior details were considered.

Jobs ended up voting against building an Apple iCar car – there was no technology available and the American industry was on the verge of collapse, in 2008 the timing was not ideal. Furthermore, Jobs' main objective was to establish the iPhone as the company's flagship product. It would be practically impossible for success to be guaranteed in both segments. The iPhone turned out to be the right choice.

With the iPhone more than rooted in the market, it is very likely that Apple will launch an iCar by 2020 . According to reports from the American brand, the team of engineers assigned to the development of the project is working hard on a prototype to be unveiled in 2019. However, the first iCar model may not be 100% autonomous. The apple brand could be a model with semi-autonomous driving.


Source: Bloomberg

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