Did you run out of battery? No problem!


Russians, is it possible to stop surprising us? I think not. This time around, the surprise comes in the form of an advanced lesson in tier III disenfranchisement, capable of leaving the MacGyver blushing with embarrassment.

Imagine that they run out of battery in the middle of nowhere, there is no car to give the battery backrest and the terrain does not allow for a “push”. What to do? In addition to returning on foot, of course! The masters of disengagement teach. All you need is a string and a jack and follow these steps:

Step 1 – Lift only one of the drive wheels – to avoid the effect of the differential on the drive axle – using a jack;

Step 2 – Engage the car in a third or second gear, depending on the compression ratio of the engine and its displacement;

Step 3 – Wind the string to the front tire that was in the air and pull as if there was no tomorrow;

Step 4 – Get in the car, disengage the gear and lower the car;

Step 5 – Head towards the destination LIKE A BOSS(!!!) and with the ego at its peak!

Step 6 – Tell friends.

But nothing better than an example video:

Of course, all this only works if it is a relatively old car, or if the battery charge is at least enough for the car to carry out all the electronic diagnostics before the ignition order.

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