Ford Focus RS was cancelled? Rumors indicate that yes


If two months ago rumors indicated that the new Ford Focus RS was on its way, probably with a hybrid system, now new rumors are racing in the opposite direction and indicate that the sportiest of the Focuses will not arrive at all.

According to the French Caradisiac, Ford will have decided to cancel the project for the new generation of the Focus RS, leaving the role of the sportier version of the range in charge of the Focus ST.

The French publication cites a source within the blue oval brand and states that there are essentially two reasons behind the cancellation of the project that would bring us a new generation of the Ford Focus RS.

Ford Focus RS
Apparently there won't be a fourth generation Focus RS.

The reasons

The first reason given by Caradisiac for canceling the project is, of course, the increasingly restrictive anti-pollution regulations. With the average CO2 emissions in Europe having to stay at 95 g/km until 2021, a sports car like the Ford Focus RS would not be, not even close, the best ally in this “battle”.

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Of course, the use of a hybrid system, as rumors mentioned until recently, could alleviate this issue, however this hypothesis collides with the other reason given for the project's cancellation: cost containment.

Ford is keen to cut costs, looking for joint ventures (like the one it got with Volkswagen to use MEB) and other measures that will allow it to cut costs. Taking this into account, it is difficult to justify a large investment in a model that would always be a niche.

And with the economic consequences of a pandemic that (also) threw the entire automobile industry into turmoil, it is to be expected that there will be many changes to the plans not only of Ford, but of all other manufacturers.

Therefore, it is not surprising that, for a while, Ford itself will confirm what Caradisiac is already advancing. Still, until then we keep the hope alive that there will be a new Ford Focus RS.

Sources: Caradisiac

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