Tesla faces lawsuit after fatal accident in Florida


The case dates back to May of last year when a Tesla Model S led by Barrett Riley and where Edgar was going Monserratt Martinez crashed into a wall in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 187 km/h . After the collision, the vehicle caught fire, and both passengers did not survive the accident.

Now, a Chicago law firm has filed a lawsuit against Tesla alleging that the brand installed a defective battery in the model in which the young people were driving, which was the reason why the car caught fire after the collision.

Tesla is still being accused of having removed, without permission from Barrett Riley's parents, a limiter that had been installed about two months before the accident to prevent the Model S from exceeding 85 mph (about 137 km/h). ).

Tesla Model S
Two months before the accident, Barret Riley's parents had had a speed limiter installed on the 2014 Tesla Model S. However, it was removed from a garage of the brand without being informed.

Tesla Model S batteries under sight

The law firm, which represents the family of Edgar Monserratt Martinez, further alleges that Tesla "has not warned buyers of its models of the dangerous condition of the battery." According to the indictment, there have already been at least half a dozen reported cases worldwide of Tesla Model S batteries that caught fire after a collision (or even when the car was stopped) in the past five years.

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As early as last year, the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board (the body that investigates road accidents in the United States of America) had reported that it was investigating the accident.

However, Tesla released the following statement: “Unfortunately no car would have withstood an accident at that speed. The Tesla Speed ​​Limit Mode, which allows owners to limit speed and acceleration, was introduced as an update last year in memory of Barrett Riley, who tragically died in the crash.”

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